Sunday, 25 November 2012

Deuce Day's at Magoo's 24/11/12

The 1932 Ford is a 80 years old this year and to help celebrate Lloyd Magoo Wilson organised Deuce Days, the largest ever gathering of 1932 Fords in New Zealand. American hot rod guru Roy Brizio was the special guest for the weekend and cars came from as far away as Warkworth and Dunedin.

The Show 'n Shine component of Deuce Days was held at Magoo's. Admission fee was a gold coin donation to Hospice, don't know what happened to the barbacue & coffee stall that was supposed to there. The usual Open House parking was devoted to the entrants in their 32's, but there was heaps of adjacent off street parking for visiting hot rods. Part of the workshop open to have a look around at projects on the go, plus the showroom and the opportunity to meet Roy Brizio.

Clive, Mark Smith, Marty, Dave, Rammie, Paul, Lawry Staples, Alan Mayo & Dave Mayo left P'pram Railway Station at 11am with one stop the Solway for a couple of beers and some lunch.

Lloyd's personal project.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Latest Club Member Contact Numbers

Name Phone Mobile Email
Dave Billington 293 8454 021 779-104
Tony Bond   021 182-2568
Miltyn Booth 905-2087 021 438-922
Paul De Martin 902-1285 021 024 21220
Dean Hinton   021 668-670
Rob Isted   021 364 731
Steve Manly   027 285-6467
Lance Medhurst 902-3597 0274 425-820
Clive Murray 904-3824
Martin Phillips (Life Member) 293-6980 021 550-653
Darryl Ramage 902-4045 021 119-5970
Brent Robertson (MIA) 904-1979 0275 458-719
Deane Shute (MIA) 06 364 0574 0272 788 950
Carl Silk (MIA)   022 691-3320  
Kerry Silk 06 364-2332 021 030-5304
Robin Silk (Life Member) 298-5547 021 0285 7728 (R) 021 0596-242 (V)
Barry Sutton 06 364 3322 0275 569-255
Simon Toomath 298-4870 0273 36-1212
Carl Tredrea 04 971-4530 0274 294-352
Steve Waghorn 07 575 2235 (W) 07 570 2461 (H) 0275 816-111
Andrew Weir 905-3780 021 481-385
Richard Whiteley  (MIA) 904-1979 021 297-4538

Club Meeting Minutes 6/11/12

Incoming Mail;

  • Westpac Statement $665.69
  • Surf City Rod Run Gisborne 25-28th Jan 2013. Entry forms at the Clubhouse.
  • Another $20 win with Bonus Bonds. Total holding now stands at $6,280
  • Contact Energy bill $51.81
  • NZHRA sent a draft of the new Rule Book.
Financial Report
  • Club has $464.11 in the Bank after paying out $80.50 for the latest broken window. Marty has Raffle money to bank. Reimbursed Simon $350 for the Mitzi we bought for the christmas party gymkana. We'll get the money back when we scrap it after the event.
General Business;
  • Peter Elliot attended the meeting in the hope of getting a couple cars for his daughters wedding on  Fri 7 Dec in the afternoon.  Paul gave him some numbers but if anyone else can help his number is 904 3715.
  • Marty said Barry is still keen to hold the grasskana.  Simon has purchased a V6 Mitzi on behalf the Club and is currently working on it to get it reliable.  He'll drive it to Barry's and put in on the hoist to take off the mufflers ready for the big day. This will be our Christmas Function so partners welcome as usual.  More details to follow soon.
  • Simon says Robin has been given the hard word to get his drag car off the table and finish it, So Cal need the room for new projects. Simon reckons Robin needs $50k to finish it.
  • Two wins the Wellington Hot Rod Show - Best Modified Sedan for the Weirs and Best Custom for the Billington's.
  • Kerry and Mels '33 is back home after it's brush with death. Just waiting for a new front wheel and things should be back to normal.  Have to say Kerry is very relaxed about the whole thing!
Meeting closed 9.00pm.  Raffle won by Dave, tyre shine and a 10 pack of insulation tape.

PS.  The Clubrooms have been tagged again, front door, front entrance and rear wall above the deck - covering old graffiti nerdlinger.

Wellington Hot Rod Show

Congratulations to Andrew and Angela Weir on winning 1st Place Best Modified Stock Sedan and to Dave and Kaye Billington 1st Place Best Custom.

Sorry about the quality of the pictures, will try and get some better ones asap.